Jun 2, 2023
THE CHELSEA CHOP | A haircut for your perennials
Fellow gardening friends: it’s time. Time for the Chelsea Chop. It’s the English gardener’s miracle cure, the secret to a long flowering...

Feb 3, 2023
EARLY SPRING & WINTER BLOOMERS | Bye bye dreary days
Today it's all about those glorious early blooming plants that make winter feel that bit shorter and give us a pre-spring burst of color.

Oct 5, 2021
110,000 EURO FOR ONE TULIP | The tale of Tulip Mania
Once upon a time… Isn’t that how all good fairy tales start? Only this one isn’t fiction but actually happened all the way back in the...

Sep 17, 2021
COOL KIDS | When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Have you heard of cool flowers? They're hardy annuals that can already be sown in the fall (autumn) or very early spring. Find out more?

Feb 25, 2021
MY COTTAGE KINDERGARTEN | It's seed(l)ing time!
My finger-twitching has become too hot to handle and it’s time to open my ‘Cottage Kindergarten’. Hooray!