Aug 30, 2022
SPECTACULAR SPRING | All you need to know about planting spring bulbs
It’s that strange in-between time of year where summer is not quite ready to say goodbye yet and fall is slowly starting to sneak in....

Feb 12, 2022
AGEING FLOWER POTS | Terracotta with a sprinkling of Homemade Patina
What an utterly lovely new flower pot: beautifully clean, orange, smooth – and sterile. Is that really what we want in a cottage garden?...

Oct 29, 2021
AUTUMNAL HAPPINESS | Or 10 perfect reasons to fall in love with fall
It grows each year: my love for fall. Not to go too dark on you here but it shows us that life is somewhat fleeting. Autumn's arrival can...

Oct 5, 2021
110,000 EURO FOR ONE TULIP | The tale of Tulip Mania
Once upon a time… Isn’t that how all good fairy tales start? Only this one isn’t fiction but actually happened all the way back in the...

Sep 17, 2021
COOL KIDS | When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Have you heard of cool flowers? They're hardy annuals that can already be sown in the fall (autumn) or very early spring. Find out more?

Jul 29, 2021
I imagine most people think of France as a modern country with all the amenities one has come to expect. Is that true of everywhere in...

Jun 11, 2021
I’ll never quite understand the purpose of slugs and snails. What was evolution thinking! The gastronomically-savvy French probably have...

Apr 1, 2021
COPIOUS COSMOS | Make your summertime garden sing
If you're looking for flowers that will bring you joy all summer long, are easy to grow and turn your garden into a sea of blooms, it’s...

Mar 26, 2021
DELIGHTFUL DAHLIAS | A sea of color for your garden
It’s confession time! I never used to like dahlias. I felt they were somewhat old-fashioned and a bit ‘stuffy’. Fast forward a while, and...

Mar 10, 2021
PRUNE YOUR ROSES WITH CONFIDENCE | Top tips from an expert that anybody can try
An interview with Christian Schultheis – owner of Germany's oldest rose nursery Every year, without fail and right before the forsythia...